Tuesday 26 September 2017

26 things to do before I turn 26

This picture is really ugly, I know. But its the only relevant one I found. Let me live. These are the first things that came to my head, so I stuck with them:

1) Visit Bali.

2) Travel, travel, then travel some more. Travel your fucking heart out.

3) Sky dive. Try not to piss yourself whilst doing it.

4) Drop all forms of dogma in your life, don't live with the results of other peoples thinking.

5) Be present throughout. You spend most of your time squandering the present moment by reminiscing about the past or worrying about the future. Live in the now.

6) Heal your past. I'm not sure how but figure it out.

7) Pay off your credit card debt. Then stop using the bloody thing.

8) Forgive yourself for mistakes. Embrace them. Regret is pointless. Life isn't about making few mistakes as possible, learn from them.

9) Do something that scares you. Scuba dive but don't get killed by a stingray.

10) Sort out a pension. You don't want to be old and broke.

11) Learn a new skill. Apart from being able to bend your thumb backwards you have zero talent. I'm sorry. (I know thats not a talent but its my talent and you can't take that away from me, people have gone on BGT for worse things)

12) Pick up a hobby.

13) Buy food for homeless people whenever you can.

14) Start saying yes to dates. It won't kill you to go to dinner with him for gods sake.

15) Be honest with yourself, then be honest with others.

(Ermmm I'm running out of ideas)

16) Learn the importance of moderation and sustainably. Develop balance.

17) Recognise which rules are meant to be broken and which aren't. Drink driving is never a good idea. Neither is driving like you're racing Lewis Hamilton. Slow down before you run over someones nan.

18) Stop walking around with a frown. No one has cussed your mum.

19) Save your money. Count the pennies. Stop spending like your dad will bail you out one day. He is broke.

20) Be content with the life you have. You'll never get these years back. But don't settle, never settle. Accomplish those dreams. "From the moment you're born, you start dying. Don't waste it"

21) Get your head out of your goddamn phone. Put the thing down. It gives off radiation, you don't want cancer.

22) Make exercise a lifestyle and not a chore. Get those abs you've dreamed of girl. Train for Tough Mudder. Finish it. Get the t-shirt.

23) Think with your head and not your heart. Otherwise you'll be here trying to mend it again.

24) Stop worrying about getting old. You will be 50 and fabulous.

25) If you're going to argue, argue kindly. Control your emotions. Never be spiteful. (Or petty, we all know you're good at that)

26) Be lonely. Learn your way around loneliness. Sit with it. Entwine with it.

I wouldn't really call this a bucket list, cause most of the things I said aren't just a one off kind of thing. But start as you mean to go on..

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